“With Altair Evolve we can visualize ideas as they flow, then
discuss and refine or add details to make the best possible product
to sell. We basically can understand how well a product will sell
before we even start to make it.”
"One of the first things we used Altair Evolve for was our brochure which we gave out at
the 100% Design Show in Tokyo where we won first place for best design." Car added.
TokyoFlash designers use the company blog to interact with their market audiences by
showcasing new concept designs from the early ideation phase. Some of these products will be
introduced in the market, others not. Comments, opinions and ideas from blog readers are noted
and taken into consideration in the product development process. The most interesting concept
designs will then go into production.
Altair Evolve contributed to this new approach to market by allowing TokyoFlash
designers to develop and present new ideas very quickly.
“My staff can develop an idea and render it in Altair Evolve within a day,” Car explained.
“With that we can already start testing the market through our blog and sending selected projects
to the maker to get started while we work on further details.”
The concept for one of TokyoFlash’s latest products, the Escape C Bluetooth fashion accessory,
was first presented in the TokyoFlash blog using photorealistic renderings made with Altair
Evolve. Feedback from readers helped to develop it. The Escape C recently won the Best Design
award at the 100% Design Tokyo event.
Car concluded: “It’s hard to put a value on this software as without it we would not be where we
are, so it's priceless to us."