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Altair Embed - Controlling LEDs - Basics

Blink the red LED on a Texas Instruments F28069M LaunchPad board at 0.5Hz. The model is expanded to blink the red and blue LEDs alternately at 0.5 Hz and then at 10Hz.

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Altair Embed - Controlling LEDs - Frequency Controlled

Example of host-to-target communication to blink the red LED on the target Texas Instrument F28069M LaunchPad Development Kit using an Embed slider block.

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Altair Embed - Controlling LEDs - Frequency Controlled With "On Time" Measurement

Host-to/from-target communication to blink the red LED on the Target Texas Instrument F28069M LaunchPad Development Kit

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Altair Embed - Compound Blocks - Basics

Create compound blocks to add levels to your model; navigate through your model; add/remove compound block connector pins; use compound block dialog constants and dialog windows; access and use built in variables

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Altair Embed - Compound Blocks - Advanced

Discussion of two compound block features; Enabled Execution and Local Time Step. Additionally, the Local Time Step feature is applied to implement the block diagram equivalent of a "For" loop to iteratively solve a nonlinear implicit equation.

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Altair Embed - Oscilloscope Display Using Monitor Buffer

High speed data collection using the EMBED Monitor Buffer Read and Write blocks, using the plot block to display Monitor Buffer data, displaying the % CPU usage using the Target Interface Block, and controlling the Target update time.

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Altair Embed - Plot & Buffer Blocks

Creating vectors using the Embed “buffer” block, and configuring and using the “plot” block to display “buffer” data.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power Buck Converter Control

Voltage Mode Control

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Altair Embed - Texas Instruments CCS Software Installation

Step by Step instructions to install the Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio and Uniflash software on your computer.

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Altair Embed - Furuta Inverted Pendulum Control

Apply the Model -Based Development process to the design, test, and HIL testing of a swing up and balance controller for the Furuta inverted rotary pendulum.

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Altair Embed - Add a Model to the Embed Menubar

A binary hysteresis model is developed and simulated. The model is added to the Embed Menubar under a new menu named MyModels.

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Altair Embed - Encoders

Configure and read a US Digital S4T 4 wire quadrature incremental encoder connected to a Texas Instrument F28069M LaunchPad board.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Simulation Blockset overview

Brief overview of the simulation blockset of the Digital Power Designer. In this video we look into and analyze a selection of bocks used for simulation (Compensators, PWM simulation, Voltage Mode Control simulation, Buck Converter).

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Coefficient Conversion

Select/tune the coefficients of a PID compensator. Users can calculate the digital coefficients from the analog component values or can tune the coefficients on the fly.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Model Based Frequency Response Analysis

Details of the new block of the Digital Power Designer which lets user do a frequency response analysis.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Code Generable

Simulate blocks of the Digital Power Designer which can be later used for code generation to download to a microcontroller. These blocks can be both simulated and used for code generation without any alterations.

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Altair Embed - Buck Converters - Simulation

Simulation of the control system in order to analyze the response of the buck converter in voltage mode control. The microcontroller peripherals which are needed are simulated using the peripheral simulation blocks of the Digital Power Designer.

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Altair Embed - Buck Converters - Compensator Coefficient Tuning

The buck converter is simulated with the coeffiecients of the compensator being the inputs. This gives us the opportunity to better tune the coefficients based on the response of the converter.

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Altair Embed - Buck Converters - Open Loop

We take the first step to control the actual converter. We run a hardware in the loop diagram in open loop.

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Altair Embed - Buck Converters - Closed Loop Model Design and Compilation

We look into the design of the model for closed loop control of the buck converter and look into the compilation of the model with just 3 clicks.

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Altair Embed - Buck Converters - Closed Loop Debugging (HIL) and Flashing

Last part is running the closed loop control algorithm in hardware in the loop for validation. After validation we can revert to the design diagram and in just one step create a binary file that can be flashed to the controller.

Quick Start

Altair Embed - PMSM - Overview

Introduction of Prof. Duco Pulle and overview of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) lab examples

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PMSM - Open Loop Voltage Control Simulation

Short introduction to the theory of open loop voltage control of a PMSM

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PMSM - Open Loop Voltage Control HIL

Hardware Used: TI LaunchXL-F28069M, BoostXL-DRV8301, Teknic M2310

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PMSM - Open Loop Current Control Simulation

Short introduction to the theory of open loop current control of a PMSM

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Altair Embed - PMSM - Open Loop Current Control HIL

Hardware Used: TI LaunchXL-F28069M, BoostXL-DRV8301, Teknic M2310

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Altair Embed - PMSM - Field Oriented Control Simulation

Short introduction to the theory of closed loop field oriented control of a PMSM

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Altair Embed - PMSM - Field Oriented Control HIL

Hardware Used: TI LaunchXL-F28069M, BoostXL-DRV8301, Teknic M2310

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Altair Embed - PMSM - Sensorless Field Oriented Control HIL

Employing TI's FAST (Flux, Angle, Speed, and Torque) observer

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Altair Embed - PMSM - Motor Identification for InstaSPIN FOC

InstaSPIN: Motor Control solution from Texas Instruments.

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Altair Embed Arduino - Dimming an LED in less than one minute

Introduction to pulse width modulation (PWM) and its use for dimming an LED

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Altair Embed Arduino - Dimming an LED

Introduction to PWM and its use for dimming an LED

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Altair Embed Arduino - Push Button Control

Introduction to State Charts

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Altair Embed Arduino - Control the color of an LED using Potentiometers

Hardware used: 3x 10kΩ Potentiometers 4x 220Ω Resistors 1x RGB LED 1x Arduino 1x Breadboard

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Altair Embed Arduino - Algorithm Validation using the Serial UART

Validating the algorithm for controlling the color of an LED

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Altair Embed DC Motor Current Control

Prof. Duco Pulle introduces current control of a DC Motor using a Linear Actuator

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Altair Embed Drone Control - Theory

Prof. Duco Pulle takes us through the theory of controlling a drone DC motor

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Altair Embed Drone Control - HIL Setup

Prof. Duco Pulle explains and sets up the diagram for Hardware in the Loop control of a drone DC motor

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Altair Embed - Drone Control - HIL Run

Prof. Duco Pulle controls a drone DC motor in an HIL diagram

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Altair Embed - Salient PM Motor - Theory

Prof. Duco Pulle takes us through the theory of controlling a salient PM motor

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Altair Embed - Salient PM Motor - Code Generation & HIL

Prof. Duco Pulle shows code generation and Hardware in the Loop control of a salient PM motor

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Altair Activate DC-Motor

A DC motor comprised of mechanical and electrical subsystems

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Altair Activate Double DC-Motor with belt

Two DC motors used to drive a belt

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Altair Activate Two DC motors applied to clutch

Two DC motors applied to a clutch plate

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Altair Activate Notch filter

Notch filter used to remove unwanted frequencies (noise) from a signal

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Altair Activate Swingup Pendulum

Inverted pendulum by coupling multibody dynamics with controls (through co-simulation of MotionSolve and Activate)

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Altair Activate Integrating CarSim via FMI

The Functional Mock-Up Interface is used to interface Activate with CarSim

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Altair Activate RLC-circuit with different modeling approaches

Math, signal, and physical based modeling

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